2024-02-11 10:35:40 UTC
"Doctor Xavier, Doctor Xavier,
My PR is suffering from overpressing on blitzes!"
"Well, don't blitz so often then!"
I played 8/1* which turns out to be a blunder.
I wasn't hugely surprised because this experience
of being dinged for over-blitzing is very familiar to me.
But I'd love to get more guidelines as to how to avoid this.
I saw many blitzing indicators. 11/36 returns doesn't seem
too many, the opponent has no board. It's true that I don't have
a huge number of covers but this can quickly changed.
I totally agree that "resulting" is bad practice. However, my
play was vindicated here when my equity soon swung up to 0.82
as the blitz progressed.
Comments are welcome. This is a very theoretical part of the game.
Obviously, no world-class player would make the same mistake I did.
And I'm sure Tim and Bradley wouldn't either.
(Tim has given some indicators of his strenght but Bradley hasn't.
Bradley might be a world-class player too for all I know).
Incidentally, this shows a problem with taking evaluations too seriously.
For this particular game, my PR was 4.5 -- "World Class" even though
I proved myself to be a sub-world-class player.
X:Daniel O:XG Roller+
Score is X:0 O:0 11 pt.(s) match.
| X O | | O X | +---+
| X O | | O X | | 2 |
| X O | | O | +---+
| X O | | O |
| X | | O |
| |BAR| |
| | O | |
| O | | |
| O | | X |
| O | | X X X |
| O X | | X X X O |
Pip count X: 155 O: 163 X-O: 0-0/11
Cube: 2, O own cube
X to play 43
1. XG Roller+ 24/20 13/10 eq:+0.351
Player: 64.54% (G:25.51% B:1.28%)
Opponent: 35.46% (G:7.63% B:0.34%)
2. XG Roller+ 8/1* eq:+0.230 (-0.121)
Player: 60.01% (G:26.79% B:0.69%)
Opponent: 39.99% (G:9.49% B:0.45%)
3. 4-ply 13/9 8/5 eq:+0.336 (-0.015)
Player: 63.79% (G:26.45% B:1.26%)
Opponent: 36.21% (G:8.17% B:0.38%)
4. 4-ply 13/10 13/9 eq:+0.334 (-0.017)
Player: 64.03% (G:25.98% B:1.35%)
Opponent: 35.97% (G:8.55% B:0.48%)
5. 4-ply 24/21 13/9 eq:+0.322 (-0.029)
Player: 63.79% (G:24.86% B:1.11%)
Opponent: 36.21% (G:7.95% B:0.36%)
eXtreme Gammon Version: 2.10, MET: Kazaross XG2
My PR is suffering from overpressing on blitzes!"
"Well, don't blitz so often then!"
I played 8/1* which turns out to be a blunder.
I wasn't hugely surprised because this experience
of being dinged for over-blitzing is very familiar to me.
But I'd love to get more guidelines as to how to avoid this.
I saw many blitzing indicators. 11/36 returns doesn't seem
too many, the opponent has no board. It's true that I don't have
a huge number of covers but this can quickly changed.
I totally agree that "resulting" is bad practice. However, my
play was vindicated here when my equity soon swung up to 0.82
as the blitz progressed.
Comments are welcome. This is a very theoretical part of the game.
Obviously, no world-class player would make the same mistake I did.
And I'm sure Tim and Bradley wouldn't either.
(Tim has given some indicators of his strenght but Bradley hasn't.
Bradley might be a world-class player too for all I know).
Incidentally, this shows a problem with taking evaluations too seriously.
For this particular game, my PR was 4.5 -- "World Class" even though
I proved myself to be a sub-world-class player.
X:Daniel O:XG Roller+
Score is X:0 O:0 11 pt.(s) match.
| X O | | O X | +---+
| X O | | O X | | 2 |
| X O | | O | +---+
| X O | | O |
| X | | O |
| |BAR| |
| | O | |
| O | | |
| O | | X |
| O | | X X X |
| O X | | X X X O |
Pip count X: 155 O: 163 X-O: 0-0/11
Cube: 2, O own cube
X to play 43
1. XG Roller+ 24/20 13/10 eq:+0.351
Player: 64.54% (G:25.51% B:1.28%)
Opponent: 35.46% (G:7.63% B:0.34%)
2. XG Roller+ 8/1* eq:+0.230 (-0.121)
Player: 60.01% (G:26.79% B:0.69%)
Opponent: 39.99% (G:9.49% B:0.45%)
3. 4-ply 13/9 8/5 eq:+0.336 (-0.015)
Player: 63.79% (G:26.45% B:1.26%)
Opponent: 36.21% (G:8.17% B:0.38%)
4. 4-ply 13/10 13/9 eq:+0.334 (-0.017)
Player: 64.03% (G:25.98% B:1.35%)
Opponent: 35.97% (G:8.55% B:0.48%)
5. 4-ply 24/21 13/9 eq:+0.322 (-0.029)
Player: 63.79% (G:24.86% B:1.11%)
Opponent: 36.21% (G:7.95% B:0.36%)
eXtreme Gammon Version: 2.10, MET: Kazaross XG2