Hit twice? 2
(too old to reply)
Timothy Chow
2024-01-26 13:27:02 UTC

Score is X:0 O:0. Unlimited Game
| X O O O | | O X X |
| X O O | | O |
| X | | O |
| X | | O |
| X | | O |
| |BAR| |
| | | |
| | | |
| O X | | X |
| O X | | X X |
| O X | | X X O O |
Pip count X: 163 O: 155 X-O: 0-0
Cube: 1
X to play 41

Tim Chow
Timothy Chow
2024-01-29 14:09:23 UTC

Score is X:0 O:0. Unlimited Game
| X O O O | | O X X |
| X O O | | O |
| X | | O |
| X | | O |
| X | | O |
| |BAR| |
| | | |
| | | |
| O X | | X |
| O X | | X X |
| O X | | X X O O |
Pip count X: 163 O: 155 X-O: 0-0
Cube: 1
X to play 41

This time, XG hits twice, even though doing so strips the 6pt. The
idea here is not so much to blitz, but to gain a tempo or two.

1. Rollout¹ 6/2* 2/1* eq:+0.159
Player: 53.80% (G:16.64% B:0.71%)
Opponent: 46.20% (G:13.58% B:0.64%)
Confidence: ±0.016 (+0.143..+0.175) - [100.0%]

2. Rollout¹ 22/21 13/9 eq:+0.053 (-0.106)
Player: 51.43% (G:15.08% B:0.77%)
Opponent: 48.57% (G:15.59% B:0.76%)
Confidence: ±0.015 (+0.038..+0.067) - [0.0%]

3. Rollout¹ 22/21 6/2* eq:+0.046 (-0.113)
Player: 51.25% (G:14.56% B:0.75%)
Opponent: 48.75% (G:15.02% B:0.79%)
Confidence: ±0.016 (+0.030..+0.062) - [0.0%]

¹ 1296 Games rolled with Variance Reduction.
Dice Seed: 271828
Moves: 3-ply, cube decisions: XG Roller

eXtreme Gammon Version: 2.19.211.pre-release

Tim Chow
